12 Bestselling Authors
24 Excellent Suspense Novels
3769 Reviews, 4.5 Stars on Amazon
2 Free, 19 for 99 Cents
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I’m fortunate to be part of a group that has some of the best and brightest young indie authors. How do I know they’re the best and brightest? Because I’ve personally read some of their books and have seen their Amazon reviews. I’m proud to say that two of my books are on sale as part of our group promotion. Click the link below to check them out.
The writers are first-rank, and these are some of their best titles, It includes two of my own cold-war thrillers: Amongst My Enemies, with 4.4 Stars on 244 Amazon reviews, and Thursday at Noon, with 4.4 Stars on 149 reviews, the e-book edition of my best selling hardback and paperback, reviewed by The New Yorker Magazine, among others. They are priced at $0.99 today.
12 Fantastic Authors
Ethan Jones, Brett Battles,
G&R Robson, Kory Shrum
Nathan Goodman, Steve Lee
Jim Heskett, Kevin Tumlinson
Duncan Simpson, Phil Williams,
Ernest Dempsy, and Me
Easy Downloads Direct From Kindle
Thanks, Bill Brown